
President Piñera referred to the death of Francisco Martinez.

Thus, any user who is not in a position to pay for his service must contact his telecommunications provider and inform him of the situation, in order to request that his current plan be cut and the “Solidarity Plan” be activated, which will be valid for 60 calendar days and allows Internet browsing, use of social networks, answering emails, but does not contemplate recreational use (videos or video games).

Meanwhile, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Pamela Gidi, said that “in the midst of the global pandemic caused by the coronavirus, telecommunications have proved to be a key element for those who must work remotely, educate themselves online and keep in touch with loved ones who will not be able to visit during this period. For this reason, we are grateful for the willingness of the companies that joined us, which are doing a great job to deliver this benefit to users together with the government”.

On the other hand, the companies grouped in ATELMO, which in addition to this solidarity plan are also providing other benefits to their clients such as extra gigabytes, represent 76% of the mobile Internet connections and 94% of the fixed Internet connections, covering close to 92% of the total national traffic.


The plan is equivalent to an injection of resources amounting to 4.7% of GDP and includes employment protection measures, income supplements for the most vulnerable Chileans and assistance for companies, with a special focus on SMEs.

In these cases, the contractual relationship and all labor rights will be maintained, but the worker will receive income from the unemployment insurance according to the rules in force. On the other hand, the employer will maintain the obligation to pay the employee’s social security and health contributions.

These two measures, applied jointly, seek to avoid the destruction of jobs while maintaining the worker’s labor relationship and rights, and ensuring an extraordinary source of income during this emergency situation.

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I want to begin by expressing my deepest sympathy to all the families who have lost a loved one and tell them that our thoughts and prayers are with you. I also want to assure all those who are suffering hardship, pain, anguish and fear, that we make those feelings our own and that we are working tirelessly, every day, to bring understanding, help and relief to your homes.

We are also facing the Social Pandemic that signifies the worst global economic recession in many decades and that has entailed profound losses and major setbacks in all the economies of the world.

It is in times of adversity that the true strength and mettle of a people is measured. And it is in times of shortages that the State must deploy its full potential to understand, welcome and protect all families.

It is also time to redouble our efforts to expand the capacity for PCR testing, traceability and isolation of infected people, to identify them early, give them the medical treatment they need and isolate their close contacts.

del momento

El resultado del referéndum de octubre de 2020, en el que los chilenos votaron para redactar una nueva Constitución, ha cambiado el panorama político de la reforma de la protección social (PS). El sistema de pensiones de contribución definida, que proporcionaba prestaciones inadecuadas a los trabajadores de la economía formal y dejaba sin cobertura a los trabajadores de la economía informal (30% de la población activa), podría evolucionar ahora hacia un sistema mixto con elementos de solidaridad intra e intergeneracional.

También podría revisarse el sistema sanitario: actualmente la cobertura está fragmentada, dividida entre pública (85% de la población) y privada (15%), con grandes desigualdades de acceso y calidad entre ambas. Chile cuenta con una sólida infraestructura de datos para identificar a los hogares vulnerables, y su asistencia social cubre al 60% de los hogares vulnerables. El 40% que no reúne los requisitos sigue en situación precaria, al igual que los trabajadores migrantes, cuyo número se cuadruplicó de 2017 a 2019, lo que ayudó a poner de relieve las lagunas del sistema de SP.

A lo largo de 2016-2020, la OIT ha apoyado al Gobierno de Chile en las reformas de las pensiones y la protección social de los trabajadores migrantes. Los resultados institucionales concretos incluyen la aprobación de una herramienta actuarial desarrollada por la OIT para la reforma de las pensiones por parte del Ministerio de Trabajo en 2016. Para más detalles, consulte la herramienta de seguimiento de resultados a continuación.