Lease subsidy appeal
The Superintendence of Social Security communicates to the public and reiterates its role of safeguarding the safety and health of workers, endorsed in a series of official letters addressed to workers’ mutual insurance companies within the framework of Law No. 16,744. See Communiqué of the Superintendence of Social Security
The Superintendence of Social Security urges the Family Allowance and Compensation Funds (CCAF) to make available to the health authority the vacation and recreational centers they have, with the prior agreement of its Board of Directors.
It gives instructions regarding the granting of labor rest in case of close contact, within the framework of the provisions of the Ministry of Health, to clarify aspects in relation to the coverage of the Accident and Occupational Diseases Insurance. See opinion
It establishes an exceptional procedure of transitory character for the entry of applications and presentations before the Superintendence of Social Security, within the framework of the sanitary emergency due to Coronavirus, in order to protect the health of our users and employees, establishing digital channels for the sending and reception of documents in certain procedures. See report
Nueva Atacama subsidy
I want to begin by expressing my deepest sympathy to all the families who have lost a loved one and tell them that our thoughts and prayers are with you. I also want to assure all those who are suffering hardship, pain, anguish and fear, that we make those feelings our own and that we are working tirelessly, every day, to bring understanding, help and relief to their homes.
We are also facing the Social Pandemic that signifies the worst global economic recession in many decades and that has entailed profound losses and major setbacks in all the economies of the world.
It is in times of adversity that the true strength and mettle of a people is measured. And it is in times of shortages that the State must deploy its full potential to understand, welcome and protect all families.
It is also time to redouble our efforts to expand the capacity for PCR testing, traceability and isolation of infected people, to identify them early, give them the medical treatment they need and isolate their close contacts.
List of rent subsidies
The plan will directly address the rise in the cost of living, promoting the generation of jobs and relief for lagging sectors and supporting those who have abandoned the labor market to work as caregivers, in order to reverse the difficulties left by the pandemic.
As for the direct contribution to the pockets of families, this will amount to 1,340 million dollars, in addition, the generation of employment and support to lagging sectors will involve an investment of 1,386 million dollars, the support to MSMEs will reach 1,000 million dollars and the estimated amount to be mobilized will be 3,726 million dollars.
Next call ds49
The measures will mobilize resources for US$3,726 million and are financed with resources that are already in the 2022 Budget, because they were part of the freely available monies for the new administration and also of the Transitional Emergency Fund that was created during the pandemic.
Boric emphasized that 37% of the total amount involved will be destined to employment generation measures and support to lagging sectors, with the goal of generating 500 thousand jobs, where at least 250 thousand will be for women, “the most neglected in the crisis”.
Containment of the price of kerosene and liquefied gas: the resources of the Oil Price Stabilization Fund will be increased to contain the rise of kerosene or kerosene, for which a bill will be sent to Congress this month. In addition, through a joint work with Empresa Nacional del Petróleo (ENAP), conditions will be reviewed to improve gas distribution through retailers, so that consumers have access to better prices.